EMUN Global Private Credit

  • EMUN Global Private Credit OPF ("GPC" or the "Fund")1 is a fund of funds investing in the Private Credit ("PC") space. GPC focuses primarily on global funds providing direct secured acquisition credit and other non-publicly traded credit instruments. Due to its focus and risk profile, GPC can serve as a complement to a diversified credit portfolio investing in IG/HY corporate bonds or bank loans.
  • The fund focuses on investment cooperation with respected global asset managers with extensive experience in private markets. GPC's investment activity includes the selection and performance monitoring of asset managers and active portfolio management leading to optimized managerial, sector and strategic diversification within the available Private Credit sub-strategies.
  • GPC combines investments in the full range of Private Credit strategies from corporate secured lending ("senior direct lending") and asset-backed lending ("asset-backed lending") to opportunistic investments. The Fund employs a crossover strategy that allows it to efficiently reallocate between investing in private markets and public exchanges, particularly in moments of market dislocation.
  • GPC is an evergreen open-ended structure with quarterly valuations and the ability to make ongoing subscriptions and redemptions. The fund provides access to large global institutional funds without the need to manage capital calls.

Fund classes

Fund information

Název fondu EMUN Global Private Credit otevřený podílový fond
Typ fondu Fond kvalifikovaných investorů
Správce EMUN investiční společnost, a.s.
Administrátor EMUN investiční společnost, a.s.
Depozitář Československá obchodní banka, a.s.
Auditor Kreston A&CE Audit, s.r.o.
Dohled Česká národní banka
Doporučená doba držení 4 roky
Rizikový profil (SRI) 3 ze 7

Key terms

Název třídy USD
Měna USD
Minimální doporučená investice 500 tis. USD
Oceňovací období, úpisy/odkupy Čtvrtletní
Management fee 1,0 %
Performance fee 10 % ze zisku při hurdle rate 5 % p.a., aplikováno při výstupu
Vstupní poplatek do 1 mil. USD max. 2 %
Vstupní poplatek od 1 mil. USD 0 %
Výstupní poplatek 0 %



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